TANGIBLE supports organizations, directors and team members in the development of behavioural skills and committed leadership. Using a practical and authentic approach, we guide individuals as they generate meaning and find their own solutions.

Our intention is to optimize cohesion skills and leadership, enabling individuals to adapt and innovate, and make a TANGIBLE difference and lasting impact in their environment.


We offer integral coaching support, an approach focused on the unique and global
development of the individual.

We accompany each participant as they integrate their own learnings and develop
individual reflections in order to continually adapt.

Our modern coaching style develops one’s ability to be fully present, allowing an
increase in awareness, well-being and performance.

Facilitating Leadership

We facilitate learning sessions as the pre-requisite to leadership. 

Based on the foundations of science, sessions develop self-regulation skills to increase self-leadership, in order to achieve and sustain an optimal quality of motivation.

Creating Coaching Circles

Through the power of co-development, we create coaching circles in order to
collectively train participants to transfer their leadership skills and optimize collective

These circles combine both action learning and integral coaching practices. They help participants engage in concrete actions to support the achievement of their goals and enable them to develop the coaching skills they need to fully express their leadership.

Evolving in a Leadership Community

More than ever, human groupings have become an invaluable advantage for organizations. We believe in the importance of contributing to the development of
relational competencies and fostering links in the leadership community.

TANGIBLE seeks to be a leader – a vector – in creating collaborations between different partners and organizations sharing common intentions, promoting a coherent leadership based on positive values.

Jean-Paul Richard

Ideator and Founder of  TANGIBLE performance

Freestyle ski coach for many years, Jean-Paul has accumulated a wealth of experience affording him a global vision of human performance. He lived and worked in Sweden, five years, where he participated in developing programs of excellence for coaches and athletes. He then led the Swedish National Mogul Ski Team at the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver. 

Upon returning to Canada, Jean-Paul coached the Canadian Women’s Freestyle Ski Team. He implemented a coaching approach designed to create wellness and performance environments, enabling the Dufour-Lapointe sisters to win gold and silver medals at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Russia.

Following his Olympic successes, Jean-Paul turned to performance management, notably as Manager of Team Services at the Canadian Olympic Committee and participated in the success of all sports in Canada. He also worked at Cirque du Soleil, where he held various management positions and worked as an executive coach and facilitator, developing skills and coaching managers in leadership and change management.

Jean-Paul now shares his expertise, experience and passion by teaching motivational skills and the principles of committed leadership.
TANGIBLE performance offers real impact on well-being and performance while promoting human and organizational development.

Contact Us

Whether it’s to discuss your ideas or your needs, we’ll help you define them. Looking forward